AI Against Bureaucracy

Customised AI agents from a German start-up aim to combat excessive bureaucracy and convoluted officialese.
According to calculations by the ifo Institute, bureaucracy costs the German economy 146 billion euros a year. A more efficient administration could increase gross domestic product by 4.6 per cent. But the past few years have shown this: Despite political promises, there is no relief for companies, but rather even more regulations and forms.
The start-up mika is therefore developing intelligent AI agents that enable companies to manage administrative processes and tasks more easily. The free government letter translator, for example, is a tool that analyses official letters, prepares them in an understandable way and then shows clear action steps, including important deadlines. Agnieszka Walorska, Managing Director of mika: ‘Even well-trained native speakers often fail because of the convoluted sentences, technical jargon and unclear wording. With our AI, we decode the important information and create a precise roadmap so that companies know exactly what needs to be done when and how.’
The AI agent is being continuously developed and in future will not only make administrative tasks easier to understand, but will increasingly be able to complete them independently – from tax forms to financial planning.”