Laut Wirtschaftskammer boomt Österreichs Gaming-Wirtschaft. Abzulesen sei dies am Branchenwachstum und der Innovationskraft.
GenKI im Job: Babyboomer weitgehend abgehängt
Laut EY-Umfrage gibt es deutliche Generationenunterschiede bei der Nutzung von generativer KI am Arbeitsplatz.
Huawei Powers Europe’s Green and Digital Transition with Smart and Collaborative Solutions
Huawei Connect 2024 in Paris highlights how smart and digital technology will accelerate Europe's green and digital transition.
AI in Companies – The Future of Digitalisation
The relevance of artificial intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly. This transformative technology impacts work processes, politics, and global affairs, offering both opportunities and challenges. Increasingly, companies are exploring th ...
Amazon Bedrock: GenKI-Entwicklungsumgebung jetzt verfügbar
Mit Amazon Bedrock lassen sich eigene Anwendungen entwickeln. Die Post und Swisscom gehören zu den ersten Schweizer Nutzern.
Microsoft-Partner: Wunsch nach digitaler Souveränität treibt Nachfrage
ISG zufolge läutet die Zusammenführung von KI und Cloud-Technologie eine neue Ära im Schweizer Microsoft-Ökosystem ein.
Samsung capo fila nel settore smartphone, ma Apple raggiunge vendite record
La compagnia sudcoreana ha registrato vendite pari a 57,5 milioni di dispositivi durante il terzo trimestre dell'anno, superando i 54,5 milioni del suo principale concorrente.
Black Friday: A Look at the Bargain Craze
Black Friday, traditionally celebrated on the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States, has become a global phenomenon. The day is known for its massive discounts and special offers, available both from online retailers and brick ...
HPE Reveals the Future of AI, Hybrid Cloud and Communications Networking
Hewlett Packard Enterprise is holding the European edition of its HPE Discover with a focus on the GreenLake platform and artificial intelligence.
Meta cresce a doppia cifra nel terzo trimestre
I suoi ricavi sfiorano i 40,6 miliardi di dollari mentre l'utile netto, i 15,7 miliardi.