Greiner Bio-One International lässt eingehende Aufträge per KI analysieren und relevante Daten automatisiert via Cloud in sein ERP übertragen.
ABB meldet Auftragsplus und Rekordmarge
Allerdings bremst der schwächer als erwartete Markt für Fertigungsautomation das gegenwärtige Umsatzwachstum.
Zahl der Akkubrände verfünffacht
Im Jahr landen rund drei Millionen Lithiumbatterien im Restmüll. Entsorger und Feuerwehr fordern den Aufbau eines Pfandsystems.
Verso un’intelligenza artificiale generativa multimodale
Gartner crede che le soluzioni di IA generativa multimodali passeranno da rappresentare l’1% del 2023 al 40% del 2027.
NIS2: a New Framework for Business Cybersecurity in the EU
17 October is the deadline for organisations to adopt and publish the measures needed to comply with NIS2, the new European cyber security directive. Here are the key points.
New Jailbreaking Technique ‘Deceptive Delight’ Discovered
Hardware e software IA verso il bilione di dollari nel 2027
Bain & Company prevede che il valore del settore dell’IA nei prossimi tre anni oscillerà tra un minimo di 780 miliardi e un massimo di 990 miliardi di dollari.
Fujitsu Showcases Quantum Galicia at International Quantum Business Conference
The conference analysed topics such as the power that Galicia and along with it, Spain and Europe have to lead the development of quantum computing, as well as the importance of collaboration, investment and talent.
Le aziende con sistemi ciberfisici accusano l’impatto economico degli attacchi informatici
Il 27% di queste aziende nell’ultimo anno ha registrato perdite per quasi 900 mila euro.
Corporate APIs: A Prime Target for Cybercriminals
APIs have become an attractive target for cybercriminals, as many companies lack effective monitoring of malicious activities or third-party API integrations.