BBVA Shares Its Security Training Content With The World

After training thousands of employees, the company makes its knowledge available to other users through the Coursera platform.
BBVA has decided to share its material for training employees, or any type of user, in cybersecurity with the rest of the world.
The Spanish bank has reached an agreement with the Coursera platform, which has a base of 97 million students, to offer training in this field. To begin with, it is announcing the free availability of a MOOC course on Cybersecurity in Spanish, to which more content will be added over the coming months.
The aim is to train society for the digital era with content on information security, data governance, the fight against fraud, crisis management, defence in the personal sphere and basic notions in secure operations, among other issues.
The financial institution will outline different training itineraries, which will be “within everyone’s reach”.
This is how Alberto González, head of training at BBVA, explains it. “Through our training model, Campus BBVA, we design learning solutions that respond to the present and future needs of our professionals. In the past year, we have carried out a thorough ‘reskilling’ and ‘upskilling’ exercise to prepare our employees in the skills that will shape the bank’s strategy in the coming years”.
One of these capabilities is cybersecurity, in which some 60,000 employees worldwide have been trained. “A large part of the workforce has already acquired basic knowledge in this area,” says Gonzáles. “Now we want to go further and leverage all our expertise to bring it to a wider audience.“