Companies Neglecting the Recruitment of Cybersecurity Experts

Companies neglecting the recruitment of cybersecurity experts

eco Survey: Almost Half of Companies Lack Measures to Recruit IT Security Specialists

The competition for cybersecurity experts in the labor market continues to intensify significantly. Nevertheless, almost half of companies have not yet taken any measures to recruit these experts, according to a recent survey of 1,000 company decision-makers conducted by the eco Association. Of those surveyed, 29.8% rely on attractive working conditions to attract IT specialists, 15.4% use digitalised recruiting processes, and 17.6% promote training opportunities. In contrast, only 3.4% of companies currently use AI-based recruiting tools.

Companies Neglecting the Recruitment of Cybersecurity Experts


To protect their IT infrastructure, companies urgently need specialised professionals. However, recruiting and retaining suitable specialists is becoming an increasingly challenging task. The job market has shifted in favor of highly qualified professionals, forcing companies to adapt their personnel strategies.

The eco Association offers five tips for addressing this challenge:

Create Attractive Working Conditions

Flexible working hours and home office options are particularly appealing to IT security experts and can expand the recruiting radius. Competitive remuneration is essential to attract and retain talented professionals. Additional incentives, such as bonuses, a pension and healthcare scheme, and other benefits, also play a crucial role. Furthermore, fostering an attractive corporate culture that is actively practiced both internally and externally is advisable. Recommendations from satisfied employees and active sourcing for specialized roles are also effective strategies.

Use AI in Recruiting

Artificial intelligence can assist HR departments in gaining an overview of relevant applicants, particularly in the early stages of the application process. AI tools can search and evaluate application documents quickly and efficiently by identifying relevant qualifications and experience. This relieves pressure on your HR department and can help reduce unconscious bias through the use of objective algorithms. AI-based tools can also aid in targeting and personalising your approach to potential candidates, as well as optimising job advertisements.

Intensify the Promotion of Young Talent

When recruiting new skilled workers, the promotion of young talent must not be overlooked, even though this is more of a medium-term solution. Strengthen your efforts in this area by collaborating with schools and universities. Participate in relevant fairs for career starters and support initiatives such as Girls & Boys Day. Promote internships, final theses, and student traineeships to retain talent at an early stage. Use social media channels to raise your profile among young talent.

Digitise Recruiting Processes

By digitising your recruiting processes, you can enhance the quality of the recruitment process and provide a positive experience for candidates. Modern software allows you to manage applications centrally, share them with relevant departments, access suitable candidates more quickly, and make the selection process more transparent. Automated receipt and confirmation emails save valuable time and reduce administrative effort. Digital initial interviews offer flexibility and convenience for both applicants and employers, as they can be conducted from anywhere, eliminating travel time and costs. Additionally, transparency in the process ensures a better understanding of the next steps and increases overall satisfaction.

Increase Employee Loyalty

Offer your workforce regular opportunities for social and professional exchange, taking into account the individual needs of employees regarding time frames. Position your company as family- and women-friendly—women remain significantly underrepresented in IT security. Provide attractive opportunities for further training and different career paths for both specialists and managers.

About the Survey

The opinion research institute Civey surveyed 1,000 corporate decision-makers between July 15 and 29, 2024, on behalf of the eco Association. The results are representative, with a statistical error margin of 5.9 percent.