Eco Survey: Three Quarters of Employees Want to Work Digitally Even After Corona

The digital equipment of the home office workplace has improved for every second person.
Three out of four employed people (74.6 per cent) want to be productive outside the office even after the Corona pandemic. Video conferencing is the most used digital technology with 50.9 percent.
“For the sustainable success of digital working, we recommend that employers continue to provide the technologies for safe and stable working at home. This also includes investments in IT equipment, cyber security and training and awareness-raising for employees,” says Lucia Falkenberg, CPO and head of the New Work Competence Group at the eco association.
Digital technologies at home have improved
Many employees benefit from improved digital equipment in the home office. Around half of them (47 percent) state in the survey that their own digital workplace has improved during the Corona pandemic. 18.4 percent of them say that even the digital equipment has improved a lot. No improvement in digital equipment in the home office was noted by 36.8 percent.
Webinars remain high on the agenda for 30.6 percent of all employees and about one in four (25.4 percent) even want to continue attending trade fairs and conferences online. VPN connections to the company network are used by 26.6 percent and software and data from the cloud by 21.3 percent of all employees in Germany, probably also after Corona.