Europe’s Mid-sized Companies to Invest 100,000 in Digital Transformation

The telecommunications and technology sectors, followed by banking and insurance, are the ones that accumulate the most investment in digital transformation.
The consultancy firm Oliver Wyman has published a report in which it estimates that by 2026 medium-sized companies in Europe will invest almost 100 billion euros in digital transformation.
Specifically, these are European companies with revenues between €500 million and €5 billion per year and the total amount of investments in this chapter will amount to $99.6 billion by 2026.
Investments in communications, media and technology will increase by 8 % more than the market average (which will be 7.6 %), a circumstance that will represent an attractive opportunity for companies providing technological services.
During 2021 the investments of this type of companies for technological services have been 65.4 billion euros, which represents 28 % of the investments in this section throughout Europe, with the largest companies investing the most.
Specifically, the leading investment sector is telecommunications and technology, with 17.5 billion euros, followed by the banking and insurance sectors, with 14 billion euros.