Kokomo: How Canon Intends to Revolutionize the World of Video Calls

The company is working on a platform that will allow callers to immerse themselves in a virtual reality environment, see each other face-to-face and hear each other live.
Canon is looking to transform the video call experience with a more immersive solution called Kokomo.
This virtual reality software platform is in the development phase but has already been presented by the company, which wants to launch it on the market over the next few months and promises that it will “change the way we understand human communication”.
It will go beyond graphical representations of people, allowing interlocutors to see each other face-to-face and hear each other live, while immersed in a more believable virtual reality environment.
“This technology makes it possible to have conversations in a virtual reality, whether in a cafe in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, on a Caribbean beach or on a mountaintop. And it does so without the incorporation of fancy digital avatars, but with the users’ own realistic live appearance,” explain Canon.
Kokomo uses Canon cameras and imaging technology to create these new representations of users.
“If the user raises an eyebrow in real life, this movement is faithfully reproduced in virtual reality itself,” Canon says. “Those facial cues that are often lost through the delay of video conferencing will remain in this new virtual environment, simulating a face-to-face interaction.”
To use this remote communication software, you will need a camera from the Japanese brand, a virtual reality device and a smartphone.