In the last quarter it achieved a 37% increase in revenue, with a total of $731.6 million.

In the last quarter it achieved a 37% increase in revenue, with a total of $731.6 million.
The key to a successful strategy lies in considering both the business value and security of the entire edge ecosystem.
Cybercriminals are turning to artificial intelligence to launch more convincing phishing attacks.
The support will end in August 2024. Until then, Microsoft will maintain platform compatibility.
Twilio is proposing to adopt "nutrition facts" labels that would provide transparent information on how data is used in AI systems.
Globant's Microsoft Studio will offer customers technology innovation, cloud strategies and data AI to power their businesses.
Larger data centres are expected to experience significant growth
Customer data of the Danish cloud service provider is irretrievably lost. A commentary by Patrick Englisch of Veritas Technologies.
It is ten years since Yahoo! was hacked and 3 billion accounts were affected.
IBM and Microsoft are strengthening their partnership to facilitate their joint clients' accelerated adoption of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Through an expanded collaboration, they are launching an innovative proposition a ...
Resilience and adaptability: This can be achieved with digital business processes as well as data and algorithms, says guest author Hanna Kamijo from ServiceNow.
Onboarding processes go hand in hand with missing induction plans, unclear responsibilities and poorly communicated expectations, says Nils Kröger from Workbase
The combination of 6G technology and AI also raises challenges and concerns in terms of privacy and security.
Marcelo Pinto from Senhasegura describes in an interview how generative AI can be used to protect IT environments.
With the ability to manipulate ISP-level traffic, it targets diplomats in Belarus.
Draft of the AI Act must be improved with regard to the classification of high-risk AI systems, says Johannes Kröhnert of the TÜV Association.
Why "working from the beach" poses a threat to businesses, explains Zscaler's Tony Fergusson.
39% of art buyers think that this market is speculative and 1 in 2 do not see artistic value in a non fungible token.
Breach of access controls is the most frequent risk, accounting for 39% of the 14,800 vulnerabilities discovered by ethical hacker team Synack Red Team.
In terms of data access, IoT devices pose an enormous security risk.
Gartner points to trends such as data-centric, perimeter, and accountable intelligence.
Edge AI, Data-Centric AI and Cloud Data Ecosystems
Its latest quarterly record fell short of $81.8 billion.
According to the latest ifo survey, just one in seven companies in Germany uses forms of artificial intelligence.
Microsoft is not living up to its key role as a hyperscaler, says Holger Dyroff of ownCloud.
The growing emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency has led companies to look for innovative technological solutions to reduce their energy consumption and environmental impact. According to a recent report, the use of efficie ...
Cisco XDR can automatically detect, backup and restore business-critical data.
The artificial intelligence-powered tool tracks emissions and detects hotspots.
Call centre operators are investing in AI and chatbots to reduce dependence on live agents.