Trends 2025: Mobile Risks, Phishing Techniques, and Sideloading Attacks
Cybersecurity Trends in the Financial Sector
A Kaspersky study highlights emerging risks, including quantum-safe ransomware and increased attacks on mobile devices.
Cyber Attacks on Connected Cars
'In the future, customers' trust in car brands will be measured by how they handle cybersecurity and prevent external attacks,' says Professor Stefan Bratzel from CAM.
Intelligent DDoS Defense with AI
Attackers are increasingly using sophisticated techniques to disguise their attacks and deploy adaptive attack patterns, warns Elena Simon from Gcore.
How Attackers are Using AI to Generate Malware
HP’s latest Threat Insights Report reveals how cybercriminals are leveraging generative AI to craft malicious code.
CosmicBeetle Group Spreads Ransomware
ESET researchers have discovered that the group is using ScRansom ransomware.
AI and Learning Systems in the Security Operation Center
Telekom opens its Master Security Operations Center in Bonn, analyzing billions of security-relevant data points per day.
Vulnerability Management: Speed is Key
Professional hackers are quick to learn about security vulnerabilities and conduct attacks within 24 hours to find new entry points into corporate networks.
Cyber Attacks are Causing More and More Damage to Companies
KPMG study: phishing, attacks on cloud services and attacks via data leaks are the most common crimes.
Self-Attack is the Best Defense
Autonomous pentests from the cloud can be used to identify vulnerabilities.
Paradise for Attackers: Overdue Bills and Living off the Land
HP Wolf Security Threat Insights Report shows how cybercriminals are increasingly diversifying their attack methods to circumvent security policies and detection tools.
2024 Olympics: Playing Field for Cyber Attacks
Olympic Games also serve as a playing field in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber security, warns Check Point's Marco Engerling.
Homemade Ransomware
Ransomware-as-a-service is a lucrative business and in the hands of professionally organised groups. Now criminals can resort to quickly cobbled-together junk ransomware.
Cyber Defense with AI and Passive Network Monitoring
Schiffl IT: Identifying anomalies in network traffic and systems in real time.
AI Massively Increases the Volume of Cyberattacks
Cybersecurity expert Oded Vanunu from Check Point warns about the number of attacks rather than the quality of cyberattacks by AI.
What to Do Against Cyber Attacks on Hospitals?
Guest author Frank Becker shows what alternatives are available to protect hospitals against cyber attacks.
Ransomware: To Pay or Not to Pay?
Should companies negotiate with ransomware attackers and pay the ransom demanded?
More Complex Vulnerabilities due to Generative AI
Large language models (LLM) are finding their way into more and more IT products. From Kaspersky's perspective, this means that the size of the attack surface is increasing significantly.
Cyber Attacks Hide in Encrypted Data Traffic
Zscaler ThreatLabz Report: Encrypted malware and malicious content are one of the biggest threats, accounting for 78 percent of observed attacks.
Laziness is the Strategy of Cyber Criminals
Cybercriminals are greedy for profit, looking for the least resistance, says Chester Wisniewski of Sophos.
Cyber Marketplaces for Attackers
Attackers are teasing would-be cyber criminals by deploying fake malware kits on code-sharing platforms like GitHub.
Ransomware Protection: Focus on Context and Users
Christoph Buschbeck from VMware explains how companies protect their networks and data in a multi-cloud world.
Ransomware Attack on Cloud Nordic
Customer data of the Danish cloud service provider is irretrievably lost. A commentary by Patrick Englisch of Veritas Technologies.
I am phishing
Why "working from the beach" poses a threat to businesses, explains Zscaler's Tony Fergusson.
SOC: Good Buy, Beats Bad Build
Building an internal security operations centre is neither easy nor cheap. However, an external SOC also brings challenges, says Jochen Koehler of Ontinue.
Automated Data Recovery After Ransomware Attacks
Cisco XDR can automatically detect, backup and restore business-critical data.
IBM: Data Leaks Cost Companies an Average of 4.3 Million Euros
Those who rely more on AI and automation shorten the life cycles of leaks by 81 days and reduce the follow-up costs per incident by 1.76 million euros.
SOC Teams in Permanent Fear
Vectra study shows: Almost all SOC analysts fear missing relevant security events.
Does AI Distinguish Between Good and Bad?
Marco Eggerling from Check Point says that AI should be taught a kind of ethics catalogue right from the start so that it adheres to certain rules on its own.
Expert Survey: The Future of Ransomware
As the ransomware threat intensifies, ransomware protection must react. What do storage and security experts recommend?