From more efficient data centres to inventory predictions and improved transport routes, the benefits of this technology are diverse.
carbon footprint
Digitale Amtsgeschäfte mit grünem Gewissen
Das BRZ, Österreichs größter IT-Dienstleister für die öffentliche Hand, setzt vollständig auf erneuerbare Energien.
Schweizer KI-App für New Yorker Metro
Der Luzerner Softwarespezialist Axon Vibe unterstützt die Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) mit intelligenten KI-Lösungen.
Dynatrace Creates Solution to Reduce Enterprise Carbon Footprint
Dynatrace Carbon Impact offers recommendations and optimisation options for environmentally friendly IT operations.
Come ridurre l’impronta ambientale nel contesto digitale
L’intelligenza artificiale richiede una grande quantità di dati e risorse computazionali, il che si traduce in un alto consumo di energia.
Carbon Emissions Concern 1 in 2 CIOs
The majority of these executives draw a connection between ESG factors, sustainability and business value.
Achieving Net Zero Emissions By 2030 And Other IBM Environmental, Equitable And Ethical Goals
The new IBM Impact framework sets goals such as training 30 million people for the jobs of the future and expanding the number of partners in the technology ethics ecosystem.