RED Medical Systems has developed cloud-based software so that doctors have more time for the essentials.

RED Medical Systems has developed cloud-based software so that doctors have more time for the essentials.
Edge AI, Data-Centric AI and Cloud Data Ecosystems
Im Juli hat SAP angekündigt, Innovationen nur noch in der Cloud verfügbar zu machen. Die Anwendervereinigung DSAG übt daran deutliche Kritik. Hier Auszüge aus ihrer aktuellen Pressemitteilung.
Con questa soluzione permetterà di generare automatizzazioni e sviluppare applicazioni in cloud senza scrivere codice.
Gartner informa che le entrate mondiali per servizi IaaS in cloud pubblico hanno superato i 100 miliardi di dollari per la prima volta.
Parigi, Washington DC e Chicago sono i luoghi scelti per i nuovi impianti che vogliono soddisfare le necessità delle applicazioni moderne.
Large gap between perception and reality of cyber security. 93 percent of respondents expect rise in attacks on cloud security.
Airport Group Fraport relies on SAS Analytics for forecasting and simulation of passenger and baggage flows.
The solution could reshuffle the cards in the cloud services market and make Europe a bit more independent.
Wer seine IT in die Cloud bringen will, braucht genügend Zeit und eine gründliche Vorbereitung, sagt Felix Kugler von Atlassian.
Uniform management of tens of thousands of supplier contracts in the cloud.
Il ESG610 dispone di un microprocessore quad-core a 2,2 GHz, due porte WAN da 2,5 GbE e altre due porte LAN da 2,5 GbE.
AI Cloud for CRM is designed to enable higher productivity by merging AI, data, analytics and automation.
Il cloud ha portato a Microsoft 28,5 miliardi di dollari nel primo trimestre 2023. In totale, la società ha fatturato 52,9 miliardi.
It shrinks by 8 percent to 15.1 billion dollars. Profits, however, increased by three percent to almost 70 billion dollars. The cloud division is in the black for the first time.
Altri punti di investimenti sono gli strumenti di office automation, software CRM e di risorse umane, le piattaforme per la gestione di progetti e l’ambito della comunicazione e della collaborazione.
Annuncia i nuovi servizi Distributed Cloud App Connect e Distributed Cloud Network Connect.
Naturgy has already migrated half of its applications to public cloud infrastructures.
Booking platform for premium customers relies on SAP Marketing Cloud.
IDC ritiene che quest’anno gli investimenti in cloud raggiungeranno quota 93,7 miliardi di dollari, ovvero un +6,9% sul 2022, quando però il tasso di crescita è stato del 19,4%.
Most companies lack the basics, structure and logic in their approach, says IT expert Oliver Meinecke.
56% of banks have already reached agreements with at least one cloud provider and 44% have a defined strategy.
La crescita registrata nel quarto trimestre 2022 è stata del 23% contro il 34% di inizio anno.
Alexander Pelka verstärkt die Geschäftsführung des Schweizer HR-Softwarespezialisten jacando. Begleitet wird dieser Schritt von der Eröffnung eines neuen Standortes in München.
Specialist for logistics and corporate real estate uses Microsoft Azure and SOC/SIEM from Telekom.
Questo database come servizio era già disponibile su altri cloud pubblici, come Google Cloud e Amazon Web Services.
1,000 attacks per week on organizations - Geopolitical conflicts lead to increased emergence of "disruptive and destructive" malware.
Mehrspartenversicherer Zurich wird seine IT-Infrastruktur auf die Cloud-Plattform des amerikanischen Hyperscalers Amazon Web Services (AWS) verlagern.
Resch Maschinenbau is making the leap to the public cloud and is relying on SAP S/4HANA in the public cloud version.
Digital, cloud-based contract management bundles all documents in one place and automates deadline management.