We interviewed Ash Kulkarni, CEO of Elastic, a company that has unified enterprise search, observability, and protection capabilities on the same platform.
Two-Factor Authentication: Rumors of its End are Hasty
Countering 2FA circumvention attempts requires strengthening it with additional measures, says guest author Sébastien Viou of Stormshield.
NetApp Announces ASA and Ransomware Recovery Guarantee
Along with the recovery guarantee, NetApp has announced ASA, a new block storage solution.
ChatGPT and The 6 Risks Associated with its Business Use
Issues such as bias, privacy and cyber fraud need to be taken into account by legal and compliance professionals.
Barracuda SecureEdge: The SASE Solution for Securing Remote and Hybrid Teleworking
Barracuda SecureEdge provides robust protection against malware, ransomware and phishing by filtering and blocking malicious emails and websites.
More Cyber Attacks on European Health Organisations
Cybercrime in the healthcare sector is increasing rapidly, posing huge challenges for the industry.
What Are Cybercriminals Looking for in the Healthcare Sector?
Cyber-attacks on the healthcare sector are growing significantly, why is this sector so attractive, what are cybercriminals looking for, and how do these attacks affect citizens? We attempt to answer these and other questions.
Money Gone, Data Too
Study: 86 % of German IT and cybersecurity managers have problems with their backup and recovery solutions.
Cybersecurity Executives Are Reorienting Themselves
Gartner: Nearly half of cybersecurity leaders will change jobs by 2025 / 25 percent of them will change careers
Vulnerabilities Take More Than 30 Days to Patch and Are Patched Less Than 58% of the Time
In this respect, Qualys determines that "automation is the difference between success and failure".
Inequalities in Cybersecurity Education within the EU
No joint learning model or common practices on cyber security within the European Union.
Most Organisations Struggle to Find Certified Security Professionals
This has consequences when it comes to dealing with cybercriminal breaches. During 2022, the number of companies experiencing five or more breaches increased by 53%.
German Companies Hardly Prepared For Cyber Attacks
Cisco Cybersecurity Readiness Index 2023 shows: Germany in midfield worldwide, but top in Europe.
193 Million Malware Attacks on Mobile Devices
In the EMEA region, 28 percent of infections are due to QSnatch, 21 percent to Ramnit and 19 percent to Emotet.
Acer Confirms Hacker Attack
Unknown persons capture around 160 GByte of data. According to Acer, no customer information is affected. The perpetrator offered the data for sale on a cybercrime forum.
Staatlich geprüfte Sicherheit
Bundesministerium für Inneres ermächtigt den IT-Dienstleister ACP, Beratungs- und Auditleistungen im Rahmen des Netz- und Informationssystemsicherheitsgesetzes (NISG) zu erbringen.
Züricher Security-Experten starten Partnerprogramm
MXDR-Spezialist Ontinue wendet sich an mögliche Channel-Partner, deren Kunden bei der Cybersicherheit auf die Microsoft-Plattform setzen.
KMU testen ihr Sicherheitsbewusstsein
Suissedigital will die Öffentlichkeit stärker für die Gefahren des Cyberraums sensibilisieren. Gerade hat der Wirtschaftsverband einen Selbsttest entwickelt, der sich vor allem an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen richtet.
15 Milliarden Zugangsdaten im Darknet
Passwörter werden immer mehr zum Sicherheitsrisiko. Unternehmensberater Daniel Holzinger erklärt warum und wie man die Lage ändern kann.
Weniger Aufwand, mehr Datensicherheit
Kudelski Security propagiert den Wechsel auf eine "werteorientierte" Datensicherheit. Wie Unternehmen damit bares Geld sparen können, erklärt der Sicherheitsspezialist in einem Sechs-Punkte-Papier.
Staff Training Needs in Cyber Security
Employee Security Index (ESI) Benchmark shows it takes an average of three months of training for employees to develop an adequate understanding of cybersecurity.
Ransomware Threatens Companies
Not only companies complain about ransomware attacks, cyber insurers fear further cost increases.
Cyberattacks Up 38 Percent In 2022
1,000 attacks per week on organizations - Geopolitical conflicts lead to increased emergence of "disruptive and destructive" malware.
Chinese Hacker Groups Are Active In Europe
APT Activity Report T3 2022 from ESET shows: Groups allied with China have shifted their activities to European countries.
An Interview With Chat GPT On AI And Cybersecurity
Chat GPT advises, "Contingency plans should be prepared and employees should be trained to properly respond to an attack."
Brand Phishing Report: Yahoo Is The Most Frequently Imitated Brand
Brand misuse for phishing attacks: Yahoo tops the list, ahead of DHL, Microsoft and Google.
A Technological Review of the Year 2022
With 2022 drawing to a close, we take a look back at how the technologies that generated the greatest expectations before the start of the year have evolved and some of the events that have taken place this year.
Qatar World Cup sparks cyber-attacks
Messages offering last-minute tickets or communicating supposed winnings from a bet are some of the threats detected.
Cyber Deception – One of the Most Powerful IT Security Approaches
Cyber-Deception is one of the most effective and powerful approaches the computer security industry has perhaps ever seen.
Security Market for 5G Networks Slowing Down
The market is not showing as much interest in 5G as it did at the time of the 4G rollout.