Phishing campaign specifically uses employee fears and insecurities to launch attacks.
Digital Pandemic: Hackers Are Increasingly Targeting Small And Medium-Sized Businesses
Cybercriminals are buying credentials on password marketplaces on the dark web, warns Sandra Rios, Head of LastPass Business.
A Flood of Cyber Threats, the Side Effect of Digitizing Industrial Sites
Trend Micro finds that in the last twelve months, 9 out of 10 power, oil and gas, and manufacturing companies suffered attacks that have affected production and energy supply.
Malware From The Online Shop
CRITIS were targeted by cybercriminals in 2021, according to the BKA's federal situation report "Cybercrime". A guest article by Falk Herrmann, CEO of Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity.
Ransomware Threat Increases Sharply
Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report 2022: Year-over-year increase in ransomware attacks greater than in the last five years combined.
IT Security Risks In The Home Office
For many employees, being able to work at home on a computer is an advantage. However, remote working does not make IT security any easier.
Echte Security-KI für den OnPrem-Betrieb
Sie heißt LARA und ist eine Security-KI, die sich auf individuelle Anforderungen zuschneiden lässt. Ein Interview mit den Entwicklern aus Österreich.
The 10 Most Common Attack Vectors for Network Intrusion
Recommendation issued jointly by the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Netherlands and the U.K. provides guidance on mitigating vulnerabilities.
Emotet Leads Malware Detections Worldwide
Spam campaign detections starring Emotet increased by 27% during the first quarter.
Emotet Conquers the Malware Top Position
Number of threats detected from malicious Emotet spam campaigns rises 27 per cent.
More Secure Open Source Software, The Shared Goal Of The Linux Foundation and OpenSSF
Companies such as Amazon, Ericsson, Google, Intel, Microsoft and VMware support their plan with an initial investment of more than $30 million.
RedLine Stealer, The New Malware Seeking To Steal Confidential Data
RedLine Stealer detected, new malware that seeks to get its hands on confidential data.
7 Out Of 10 Companies Believe Security Innovation Is Years Behind Cybercrime
Nearly 80% have purchased tools that have failed them and three-quarters believe they could have been unknowingly breached.
Hackers can ‘crack’ our password in half a minute
Cybercriminals are capable of revealing any password of fewer than 8 characters in just half a minute. How can we avoid it?
FBI: BlackCat Ransomware Has Successfully Penetrated IT Systems At Least 60 Times Worldwide
BlackCat executable ransomware is highly customizable and supports a number of encryption methods.
Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne: MDR One bietet Zugriff auf Cloud-basierte MDR-Funktionen
Komplettlösung mit Managed Detection and Response-Funktionen zur Abwehr raffinierter Bedrohungen in hybriden Unternehmensumgebungen.
Österreich und Deutschland üben gemeinsam Cyberabwehr
IT-Expert*innen verteidigen virtualisierte Systeme und simulierte kritische Infrastrukturen.
New Attack By Lapsus$ Cybercriminals, Who Get Hold Of T-Mobile Source Code
New Lapsus$ cyber attack manages to get hold of T-Mobile's source code.
Credential Access, Top Risk Factor For Organizations
56% admit that their company cannot stop a supply chain-related attack.
BBVA Shares Its Security Training Content With The World
After training thousands of employees, the company makes its knowledge available to other users through the Coursera platform.
HelpSystems Expands Its Security Offering With The Acquisition Of Terranova Security
The acquired company uses gamification techniques to train users in the prevention of phishing attacks.
WKÖ fordert rasche und deutliche Aufstockung der Cybersecurity-Förderung für KMU
Aufrüsten bei Cybersicherheit notwendig, um Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich gegen Angriffe von außen abzusichern.
Largest DDoS Attack In History: 1.4 Tbps
Although the number of distributed denial-of-service attacks decreased by 3 % in 2021, their complexity has increased.
Fujitsu Sponsors 40 Scholarships In Cybersecurity To Boost Digital Talent Among Women
With this initiative, Fujitsu desires to contribute to boosting digitalization and reducing the mismatch between men and women, thus promoting the employability of women in the field of technology.
Report: Apple and Facebook Accidentally Hand Over User Data to Hackers
The cybercriminals submit fake emergency requests. Allegedly, this is how they get hold of users' addresses and phone numbers. It is possible that the 16-year-old, allegedly behind the recent attacks by the group LAPSUS$, is also invol ...
What Distinguishes Good Tools for IT Forensics?
Digital forensics tools and processes help with fast and targeted responses after cyberattacks.
Double Extortion bei Ransomware-Angriffen immer beliebter
Nevis, Schweizer Spezialist für Identity und Access Management-Lösungen, gibt Tipps für gute Cybersicherheitsstrategie.
Die Hälfte der Unternehmen in Österreich war schon Ransomware-Angriffen ausgesetzt
Deloitte Cyber Security Report: Jedes achte Unternehmen erlebt mittlerweile fast täglich eine Cyber-Attacke. Nur die wenigsten Betriebe haben einen Krisen- oder Notfallplan.
Chinesische Hacker attackieren sechs US-Bundesstaaten
Seit Monaten greife die berüchtigte chinesische Hackergruppe APT41 Netzwerke von US-Behörden an, berichtet der IT-Sicherheitsdienstleister Mandiant.
Ukraine: Google schaltet Verkehrsdaten in Echtzeit ab
Google deaktiviert vorübergehend Liveverkehrsdaten und Lokalisierungsfunktionen in der Ukraine, um die örtliche Bevölkerung inmitten der russischen Invasion zu schützen.