Eine neue EU-Verordnung zielt darauf ab, Kryptowerte und deren Emittenten sowie Dienstleister in ein umfassend geregeltes Umfeld zu überführen.
Huawei Powers Europe’s Green and Digital Transition with Smart and Collaborative Solutions
Huawei Connect 2024 in Paris highlights how smart and digital technology will accelerate Europe's green and digital transition.
La spesa europea in IT quest’anno sfiorerà i 1,2 bilioni di dollari
Questa è la previsione lanciata da Gartner, che per il 2025 prevede un aumento di 100 miliardi di dollari.
Why Has Google Won its Appeal Against the EU AdSense Fine?
The General Court of the European Union has ruled in favour of Google, overturning the €1.49 billion fine imposed for abuse of AdSense's dominant position.
Ready for the New Cyber Resilience Law?
The Cyber Resilience Law will come into force this year. In this report we review what its new requirements are and what actions companies will have to take to comply with them.
So bekommen KMUs EU-Gelder für mehr Cybersicherheit
Die Europäische Kommission hat den neu gegründeten CYSSME-Kooperationsverband in ihr Förderprogramm Digitales Europa aufgenommen.
Smartphone-App registriert 1,5 Mio. korrekt entsorgte Verpackungen
Um noch mehr Abfälle in die richtigen Verwertungskanäle zu lenken, kommt die österreichische RecycleMich-App mit neuen Funktionen an den Markt.
New IT Security Law For the EU
Companies only have one year left to adapt their cyber security to the EU's NIS2 directive, warns Andreas Schwan.
What Does the New AI law Being Prepared by the European Union Look Like?
The European Parliament is preparing the world's first comprehensive law on AI. What will this pioneering regulation look like, what 'red lines' does it draw, and what benefits will it bring?
Brüssels Förderpaket für Chiphersteller – wie stark profitiert Österreich?
Die EU-Kommission will die europäische Mikroelektronikindustrie stärken. In Österreich werden Projekte der Unternehmen AT&S, AVL, EEMCO, Infineon Austria und NXP Semiconductors Austria gefördert.
Commentary: New AI Law to Regulate Use in the EU
Tanium's Chris Vaughan on the EU's AI law, which aims to create protections against malicious use of AI technology.
EU to Spend 8.1 Billion Euros on Technology Innovation for Microchip Development
Investment in chip research will benefit the entire value chain, from semiconductor manufacturers to application and end-system developers.
The European Union is Considering Banning Huawei from its 5G Infrastructure
EU decision on whether to veto Huawei on its 5G infrastructure will be decisive for the future of European communications
Microsoft comincerà l’anno implementando la EU Data Boundary ai propri servizi cloud
La soluzione permetterà di archiviare e trattare dati all’interno delle frontiere comunitarie dal primo gennaio per Microsoft 365, Azure, Power Platform e Dynamics 365.
EU Makes Targeted Advertising on Facebook More Difficult
It's about advertising based on activity in the Facebook app. Instagram is also affected. In the future, users are to be able to switch off interest-based advertising.
Facebook, Twitter and Co.: EU Tightens Rules Against Disinformation
Meta, Google and Twitter, among others, sign a strengthened code of conduct. This includes measures against the monetization of disinformation. However, the parties also want to expand fact-checking.
EU schlägt härtere Regeln im Datenverkehr vor
Die Europäische Kommission hat einen Gesetzesentwurf veröffentlicht, der die Regeln im Datenverkehr in den kommenden Jahren regeln soll.