According to a recent study, many university graduates are eager to work with disruptive technologies, particularly quantum computing.
Accenture: Unlocking the Innovation Potential of Autonomous AI
AI Trends 2025: Flexible, Generative AI Solutions Replace Rigid Architectures | Humans and AI Form a Positive Learning Loop
Hey Lou Hotels Uses AI Agents from Salesforce
Hey Lou Hotels is leveraging AI agents from Salesforce to enhance its guest services by integrating Customer 360 and Data Cloud solutions with Agentforce.
Bitkom Shares Fresh Figures on Online Retail
Black Friday or festive sales – online shopping has become an integral part of everyday life for nearly all consumers in Germany, even outside of special promotions.
Germany: Quo Vadis AI?
A study by BearingPoint reveals that 99% of managers expect AI to have a significant impact in the current decade.
Connected Driving: Low Willingness to Share Data
However, Deloitte study expresses understanding for customers' reluctance. The benefits of the offers are hardly recognizable in Germany.
Digitisation Jobs: Shortage of 128,000 Skilled Workers by 2027
Study by the German Economic Institute (IW) shows the digitalisation professions in which most jobs are likely to remain unfilled by 2027.
New Head of Sales for T-Systems
Elke Anderl übernimmt von Laura Vantellini, die bereits im Mai 2022 ihre Kandidatur bekannt gegeben hatte.
Survey: Refurbished IT is becoming Socially Acceptable
According to Bitkom, almost one in seven companies already uses refurbished end devices. A further 15 per cent are about to do so.
Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital Moves to the Cloud
UKSH migrates data and operations to the T-Systems Sovereign Cloud, powered by Google Cloud.
Majority of Germans Accept e-Prescription
According to the Eco survey, a good half of the population is prepared to use the new service. Only one in five rejects it.
Unutilised AI Potential for German Hidden Champions
Probability of AI use increases with existing digitalisation strategy.
German AI Market grows By a Third
According to Bitkom, spending on artificial intelligence will increase by 32% this year. The main growth driver is AI software.
AI at the Bedside – Is That What Germany Wants?
Most Germans have high hopes for the use of AI in healthcare. 81 percent see it as a huge opportunity for medicine.
Germany: Research in AI is Top, AI in Business Rather Poor
Only 2 percent see Germany as the leading nation internationally in artificial intelligence.
Little Blockchain Technology in German Companies
According to the Ifo Institute survey, 6.9 percent of companies currently use blockchain technology for their business processes or plan to use it.
Malicious Bots Particularly Active in Germany
A study by cyber security provider Imperva warns that automated threats pose a growing risk to businesses.
Data Protection Concerns Hamper Digitisation of German Administrative Systems
In the European Digital Economy and Society Index, Germany ranks 13th - out of 27 EU member states, says guest author Frank Schmiedle.
Germans Want More Transparency on the Internet’s CO2 Consumption
Almost a third (31%) of respondents are in favor of a CO2 label for energy-saving technical devices such as laptops, PCs and smartphones.
Malicious Bots Particularly Active in Germany
A study by cyber security provider Imperva warns that automated threats pose a growing risk to businesses.
Money Gone, Data Too
Study: 86 % of German IT and cybersecurity managers have problems with their backup and recovery solutions.
German Industry Lagging Behind in Digitisation
eco survey: 55 percent complain about bureaucratic hurdles in digitization projects in German industry.
German Companies Hardly Prepared For Cyber Attacks
Cisco Cybersecurity Readiness Index 2023 shows: Germany in midfield worldwide, but top in Europe.
Germany’s IT Industry: Could it Withstand the Current Crises?
While some niches are facing an acute crisis due to raw material shortages, energy crises and supply delays, the information technology industry has proven relatively resilient in the face of the crisis. This is reflected in the ever-i ...
AI Language Models: Germany Wants to Be In on the Game
Feasibility study identifies prerequisites for AI applications such as chatbots in Germany.
IT Education in Schools: Germany Lagging Behind in Europe
Education alliance of SMEs warns: Collapse of all digitization projects is looming.
Study: One Third of German Employees Put the Company’s IT Security at Risk
The proportion of employees with low or very low competence in IT security is rising significantly. Only 27 percent consider themselves to have a high or very high level of competence.
Bitkom Ranks Germany’s Smartest Cities
Hamburg wins just ahead of Munich. Dresden among the top 3 for the first time, while the chasing pack catches up.
Alibaba Cloud Opens Third Data Centre In Germany
The data centre is located in Frankfurt. There, Alibaba Cloud offers among other things storage, networking, AI and ML.