Google Cloud and Accenture strengthen their partnership to foster adoption of generative AI among Fortune 500 companies, achieving significant results.
Google Cloud
How Hyperscalers’ Marketplaces are Growing in the Cloud
From $16 billion in sales in 2023, sales are expected to grow to $85 billion by 2028.
Data Center Boom Turns Spain into a Digital Hub for Southern Europe
The number of data centres in Spain is exploding. And this has only just begun, as the installed capacity will increase sixfold in the next two years.
New Cognizant Solutions for Healthcare Sector Leverages Google Cloud’s AI Platform
Its proposition addresses marketing operations, patient care, provider management and contracts.
Google Cloud: “It’s Been a Hectic Year with Generative AI”
We interviewed Javier Martinez, Director of Engineering at Google Cloud in Spain, on the eve of Google Cloud Summit 24 in Madrid.
SoftwareOne Expands its Partnership with Google Cloud
A team of experts will facilitate the implementation of IT solutions in France, Germany and Spain, with support from planning to implementation.
Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital Moves to the Cloud
UKSH migrates data and operations to the T-Systems Sovereign Cloud, powered by Google Cloud.
Il ritmo di crescita di Microsoft Azure supera quello di Google Cloud
Per la prima volta in tre anni, Google cresce più lentamente di Microsoft nel mercato servizi di infrastruttura cloud.
Spotify trova in Google Cloud un alleato IA per migliorare la user experience
Spotify esplorerà gli avanzati strumenti di IA di Google Cloud per migliorare aspetti cruciali della propria piattaforma.
Google Cloud nomina Tara Brady presidente di EMEA
Oltre alle esperienze in Accenture e PwC, Brady ha coordinato il team di Global Sales e Strategic Partnerships di Microsoft.
SAP and Google Cloud Launch Comprehensive Open Data Offering
They integrate their technologies, such as SAP Datasphere with Google Cloud BigQuery.
Google accelera il lavoro degli sviluppatori di Web3 con Blockchain Node Engine
Il prodotto agevolerà la gestione e fornirà l’accesso per lavorare con nodi Ethereum.
Accordo tra NetApp e Google Cloud per l’imaging medico
L’accordo annunciato da NetApp permette la replicazione o la migrazione di banche di immagini mediche che la struttura conserva all’interno della propria infrastruttura per trasferirle in un ambiente di archiviazione cloud di Google Cl ...
Couchbase is now available on Google Cloud with Capella
It offers developers maximum flexibility to build and scale applications on Google Cloud's vast infrastructure.
Wien: Adverity jetzt auch auf dem Google Marketplace vertreten
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