ISG-Studie: Grosse Systemintegratoren verlieren Kunden an kleinere Anbieter. Zugleich wächst Bedarf an Managed und Colocation-Services.

ISG-Studie: Grosse Systemintegratoren verlieren Kunden an kleinere Anbieter. Zugleich wächst Bedarf an Managed und Colocation-Services.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise is holding the European edition of its HPE Discover with a focus on the GreenLake platform and artificial intelligence.
We interviewed Juan Carlos Sánchez de la Fuente, Cloudera's regional vice president for Spain and Portugal, who reviews the current situation in data management, its commitment to open source and the revolution that the industry is exp ...
Die Swiss Government Cloud (SGC) soll das technische Fundament für die Digitalisierungsvorhaben des Bundes bilden.
The manufacturer Hewlett Packard Enterprise shows at its HPE GreenLake Day event how AI is expanding from the hybrid cloud to the network perimeter.
Der IT-Dienstleister schließt seine Tochtergesellschaften Belsoft Infortix und K-Businesscom zur Cancom Switzerland AG zusammen.
Marktanalyst ISG vergleicht über 100 Cloud-Provider in der Schweiz. Hybride Lösungen sind derzeit besonders gefragt.
The software manufacturer and main promoter of open source brings to Spain the innovations shown at the Red Hat Summit congress. We review them in this article.
Il principale provider cloud europeo, OVHcloud, è al lavoro per fornire ai propri clienti una sovranità, tanto operativo quanto tecnologica, in materia di dati.