Nel primo trimestre del suo anno fiscale 2023, Microsoft ha accumulato 17,6 miliardi di dollari in utili netti.
Microsoft Ignite 2022: Over 100 New Features and Updates
Microsoft has announced over 100 new services and updates for businesses during Microsoft Ignite 2022, the company's annual event for developers and IT professionals.
Sopra Steria, riconosciuta da Microsoft in sicurezza ibrida e multicloud
Ha raggiunto le quattro specializzazioni avanzate di Microsoft Azure Cloud Security relativamente a cloud, gestione di identità, governance e protezione delle informazioni e protezione da minacce.
Kyndryl e Microsoft insieme modernizzeranno il mainframe
Promuoveranno il passaggio al cloud dei dati che si trovano archiviati nel mainframe.
Microsoft Makes Brute Force Attacks on SMB under Windows 11 More Difficult
Out of the box, Windows 11 allows only one failed SMB login attempt every two seconds. Microsoft hopes to reduce Windows' attractiveness to brute-force attacks.
Microsoft: Iranian Hackers Encrypt Windows Systems via BitLocker
The group, known as DEV-0270, exploits known vulnerabilities and is not only pursuing political or strategic goals. As an alternative to BitLocker, the group also relies on the open-source tool DiskCryptor.
Microsoft Warns of Possible Data Loss on Windows Systems with Current CPUs
Windows computers that support the VAES instruction set are affected. An update temporarily reduces the performance of AES-based operations significantly.
Microsoft Withdraws Update For Microsoft 365
It causes Office applications like Outlook to crash. The problem occurs as soon as a contact is opened. Microsoft advises uninstalling the latest update for Microsoft 365.
Microsoft chiude l’anno fiscale con un fatturato migliorato del 18%
Il gigante di Redmond sfiora i 200 miliardi di fatturato annuo.
Microsoft riduce la dimensione del business in Russia
Anche se rispetterà gli obblighi contrattuali già assunti, mantiene lo stop alle nuove vendite di prodotti e servizi nel paese.
È arrivato il Surface Laptop Go 2
È già possibile prenotarlo attraverso il Microsoft Store. Dal 7 di giugno è disponibile per imprese e dal 19 di luglio per privati.
Teams: Microsoft Improves Audio and Video Capabilities via Machine Learning
Among other things, users get echo cancellation. It differentiates between a spoken voice and a voice played back via a speaker.
Microsoft and CaixaBank Establish Artificial Intelligence Innovation Lab
The two entities will work together to improve financial solutions and achieve interactive work environments in the metaverse.
Microsoft mantiene l’impegno per una tecnologia più inclusiva e accessibile
La società ha rivisto l’attuale Microsoft Inclusive Tech Lab con l’obiettivo di trasformarlo in un incubatore innovativo di design inclusivo.
Microsoft Remains Committed To More Inclusive And Accessible Technology
The company has redesigned the now called Microsoft Inclusive Tech Lab with the aim of turning it into an incubator for inclusive design innovation
Microsoft And AkzoNobel Develop A Virtual Lab To Accelerate Innovation
AkzoNobel and Microsoft are teaming up to develop a virtual lab to conduct experiments using quantum computing and other Microsoft Azure cloud services.
VMware Cross-Cloud Services Now Available In Microsoft Azure Marketplace
Microsoft Azure customers now have access to VMware Cross-Cloud services to leverage the scalability, reliability and agility of Azure and thus promote application development and shape business strategies.
Microsoft Updates Windows 11 For Greater Productivity, Management Capacity And Security
New features include phishing and targeted malware protection through Microsoft Defender SmartScreen and Smart App Control
Wachstum durch Digitalisierung
Mit NAVAX schafft der österreichische Nahrungsergänzungsmittelhersteller Biogena individualisierte Kundenerlebnisse.
MySQL HeatWave ML Now Supports Machine Learning
Oracle has announced that MySQL HeatWave ML now supports machine learning (ML) in the database, becoming a complement to the transaction processing and analytics already available. This allows the ML lifecycle to be fully automated, st ...
Nuovo attacco informatico di Lapsus$ colpisce Microsoft e il source code di Bing e Cortana
Lapsus$ mette a segno un altro attacco informatico e questa volta colpisce Microsoft, filtrando parte del source code di Bing, Maps e Cortana.
Microsoft sottrae ad Apple uno dei suoi principali chip designer per server
Apple perde un altro componente chiave del suo staff: secondo quando riportato, Microsoft ha assunto Mike Filippo, veterano del settore, perché progetti in-house chip per i propri server.