Organizations are dedicating large budgets to “AI” without necessarily knowing how to govern AI nor where to start. To lower compliance costs for the organization and to avoid reinventing the wheel, the Privacy Function will and can p ...
Privacy and Trust: Couple Goals
Just as a successful relationship is built on mutual respect and understanding, the relationship between privacy and trust is fundamental to the integrity and sustainability of digital interactions.
Post plant weitere IT-Übernahme
Ziel ist die Diartis-Gruppe, die eine Plattform für den Austausch von schützenswerten Informationen im Sozialwesen betreibt.
La maggior parte degli esperti privacy europei teme un calo del budget
Da ISACA fanno sapere che questo sarebbe “normale se le operazioni di privacy fossero mature”, ma “non è questo il caso”.
So bekommen KMUs EU-Gelder für mehr Cybersicherheit
Die Europäische Kommission hat den neu gegründeten CYSSME-Kooperationsverband in ihr Förderprogramm Digitales Europa aufgenommen.
Schweizer Unternehmen verstärken Engagement in Cybersicherheit
70 % der von PwC befragten Führungskräfte planen eine weitere Erhöhung ihres Budgets für Cybersicherheitsanliegen im Jahr 2024.
Warum die Verkehrswende auch ein Datenschutzthema ist
In einem Forschungsprojekt erprobt Fraunhofer Austria neue Methoden, um Fahrgastströme rechtssicher zu ermitteln.
TikTok apre il suo primo data center in Europa per rispettare la normativa privacy
TikTok ha in programma l’apertura di un secondo data center in Irlanda e di un terzo in Norvegia.
Mozilla Criticises Privacy of Leading Car Manufacturers
Neue Datenschutzbeauftragte für Aargau
Der Regierungsrat des Kantons Aargau wählt Katrin Gisler zur Beauftragten für Öffentlichkeit und Datenschutz.
L’Italia blocca l’uso di OpenAI e del suo popolare ChatGPT
L’Italia ha ordinato lo stop temporaneo al trattamento dei dati da parte di OpenAI per presunta inosservanza del GDPR.
Software Checks How Smart AI Is
Scientists at the University of Surrey want to banish the danger of overly self-reliant systems.
Privacy Activist Max Schrems Announces New Complaint Against Facebook
At issue is consent to process personal data for advertising purposes. Facebook is said to continue to refuse to offer an opt-in solution.
Apple Announces New Privacy Features for the Cloud
In the future, Apple will also offer end-to-end encryption for backups and photos. In addition, the Apple ID will support hardware security keys starting next year.
ZTE Introduces Privacy Protection Brand for Mobile Phones
The company is committed to strengthening information security across all its products and services.
Google cancellerà la cronologia delle posizioni visitate degli utenti che si recano in centri abortivi
Google cancellerà automaticamente la cronologia delle posizioni visitate degli utenti che si recano nei pressi di luoghi sensibili come cliniche abortive in risposta all’abolizione della storica sentenza Roe vs Wade.
Mozilla: Mental Health Apps Fail at User Security
25 out of 32 apps examined do not even meet the minimum standards. Mozilla rates only two apps as good. Researchers call it the worst product category they've studied so far.
Google estende i tipi di informazione che si possono eliminare dai risultati di ricerca
Ora risponderà a richieste su informazioni personali come numero di telefono, indirizzi fisici o indirizzi e-mail.
DuckDuckGo Comes To Desktop: First Mac, Then Windows
The beta version of this browser with an emphasis on privacy is now available for macOS. The beta version of this browser with an emphasis on privacy is now available for macOS.