According to a recent study, many university graduates are eager to work with disruptive technologies, particularly quantum computing.
quantum computing
Fujitsu Showcases Quantum Galicia at International Quantum Business Conference
The conference analysed topics such as the power that Galicia and along with it, Spain and Europe have to lead the development of quantum computing, as well as the importance of collaboration, investment and talent.
What Does 2024 Have in Store for Us from a Technological Point of View?
New advances in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, the internet of things and communication networks will be some of the trends that will shape the year 2024.
Intel Does Not Renounce Moore’s Law
Intel announces the arrival of the main components of the first EUV High-NA technology shipped by ASML.
Startschuss für Quantum Machine Learning in Österreich
Österreichische und europäische Tech-Anbieter haben sich zu einem Konsortium zusammengeschlossen, das quantengestütztes maschinelles Lernen fördern will.
Quantum Computing-based Solution for Logistics Optimisation
Industry-specific analysis of complex logistics optimization tasks in seconds.
Quantum Computing, a $22 Billion Market by 2032
Through the use of qubits, quantum equivalents of classical bits, quantum computers can handle and process a massive amount of information in parallel.
Quanten-Boost für Spanien
Das galizische Supercomputerzentrum CESGA baut gemeinsam mit Fujitsu ein neues Quantenzentrum.
Wie quantenresistent sind Sie?
IBMs Paket aus Werkzeugen und Beratung soll Anwendern dabei helfen, ihre kryptografischen Systeme für das heraufziehende Quantenzeitalter zu wappnen.
Quantenverschlüsselung in der Behördenkommunikation
Das AIT Austrian Institute of Technology hat ein abhörsicheres Kommunikationssystem vorgestellt. Konsortialpartner ist X-Net Services.
A Technological Review of the Year 2022
With 2022 drawing to a close, we take a look back at how the technologies that generated the greatest expectations before the start of the year have evolved and some of the events that have taken place this year.
Free Online Courses: What Does Quantum Computing Bring Us?
Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) launches free channel with online courses on quantum computing on openHPI open learning platform.
Encryption In The Face Of The Challenge Of Quantum Computing
The increase in processing power brought about by the development of quantum computing compromises current encryption standards and, therefore, data security. Are we prepared for this threat?
Microsoft And AkzoNobel Develop A Virtual Lab To Accelerate Innovation
AkzoNobel and Microsoft are teaming up to develop a virtual lab to conduct experiments using quantum computing and other Microsoft Azure cloud services.