
How Much Germans Invest in Cybersecurity

How Much Germans Invest in Cybersecurity

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) provides guidelines on how to better secure eHealth. On average, Germans spend 5.10 euros per month to protect their personal devices. Many even skip basic security measures like updates.

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Expert tips for PCI-DSS password compliance

Credit card thieves cost businesses billions each year. In response, major credit card companies created the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) to address this threat, requiring specific security measures for any or ...

Mass Phenomenon: "Bring Your Own AI"

Mass Phenomenon: “Bring Your Own AI”

A recent study by Software AG reveals that 54% of German knowledge workers are using unsanctioned AI tools, a practice known as "shadow AI." Nearly as many workers would bypass any bans imposed on these tools.