Decision-makers see APIs as a Trojan horse for cyber attacks, but most are not investing in the right security applications.
AI Massively Increases the Volume of Cyberattacks
Cybersecurity expert Oded Vanunu from Check Point warns about the number of attacks rather than the quality of cyberattacks by AI.
Staff Shortages Cause CSOs Sleepless Nights
According to a Kaspersky study, IT security vacancies remain unfilled for over six months in half of all companies.
Impressive Women From the IT Industry – Part 3
IT activist Lilith Wittmann and Professor Dr. Haya Shulman from the Fraunhofer Institute SIT.
Ransomware: To Pay or Not to Pay?
Should companies negotiate with ransomware attackers and pay the ransom demanded?
More Complex Vulnerabilities due to Generative AI
Large language models (LLM) are finding their way into more and more IT products. From Kaspersky's perspective, this means that the size of the attack surface is increasing significantly.
Keep Your Inbox “Clean”
Cyber security starts small, for example by tidying up your inbox, recommends Adam Marrè from Arctic Wolf.
Cyber Attacks Hide in Encrypted Data Traffic
Zscaler ThreatLabz Report: Encrypted malware and malicious content are one of the biggest threats, accounting for 78 percent of observed attacks.
Every Second Person Considers Shock Calls with AI a Real Danger
Data theft and fraud are the most common crimes on the internet. According to a dark field study that the BSI has now presented together with the police.
Gartner: IT Spending in Europe to Rise by 9 % in 2024
IT spending in Europe will amount to 1.1 trillion US dollars in 2024.
Cyber Marketplaces for Attackers
Attackers are teasing would-be cyber criminals by deploying fake malware kits on code-sharing platforms like GitHub.
New IT Security Law For the EU
Companies only have one year left to adapt their cyber security to the EU's NIS2 directive, warns Andreas Schwan.
CISOs: Heroes Without Demonstrable Results?
CISOs are usually responsible for the right cybersecurity strategy and are therefore faced with a Herculean task, says Olaf Petry from Hornetsecurity.
Flugfreigaben für Drohnenpiloten
Die österreichische Flugaufsicht bringt ein Verkehrsmanagementsystem an den Start, das dem Wildwuchs im Drohnenbetrieb ein Ende bereiten soll.
Majority of Companies Conceal IT Security Incidents
TÜV Association: 82 percent of German companies that have experienced an IT security incident in the past 12 months have kept it secret.
Record: Ransomware Attacks Increase 153 Percent in September
New ransomware groups such as RansomedVC are also responsible for the increase. However, LockBit and Clop continue to be among the major players.
Achtung Baustelle
Kapsch TrafficCom liefert der deutschen Autobahn GmbH ein cloud-gestütztes Warnsystem für das Baustellenmanagement.
Budgets for Cyber Security On the Rise
PwC study: seven out of ten companies plan to deploy GenAI tools for cyber defense in the next twelve months.
Ransomware Protection: Focus on Context and Users
Christoph Buschbeck from VMware explains how companies protect their networks and data in a multi-cloud world.
Airport 2030: How AI will Change Airports and Flying
Staff shortages, climate change or digitalization - aviation is struggling with a wide range of problems.
Österreichische CSOs halten sich mit Investitionen zurück
Der britische Sicherheitsdienstleister G4S hat weltweit 1.775 Chief Security Officers (CSOs) befragt. In Österreich zeigt sich zwar ein hohes Problembewusstsein, jedoch auch eine niedrige Investitionsbereitschaft.
Gartner: One-third of Enterprises Use or Implement Tools for AI Application Security
Enterprises want to mitigate associated risks of generative AI (GenAI).
G Data Study: Security Risk Employees
Companies usually limit training and education to IT employees. One consequence, according to G Data, is insufficient security awareness among many employees.
TikTok, WhatsApp, Metaverse: Ugh. ChatGPT: Yay.
Gigamon study shows that companies are sceptical about some tools in terms of security - but not about the AI chatbot ChatGPT.
Xplain-Angriff zieht immer weitere Kreise
Im Juni wurden hochsensible Daten aus der Bundesverwaltung im Darknet angeboten. Eine unabhängige Kanzlei soll nun herausfinden, wie es dazu kommen konnte.
Betrugsanrufe mit eigener Telefonnummer nehmen massiv zu
Telekomregulierer RTR verzeichnet gut 3.000 Beschwerden seit Anfang Juli. Dunkelziffer des Rufnummernmissbrauchs liegt wohl weit höher.
AI Deployment for Cyber Security and PAM
Marcelo Pinto from Senhasegura describes in an interview how generative AI can be used to protect IT environments.
Fighting AI-powered Cyber Attacks with AI
Those with bad intentions can develop and circulate malware themselves and wreak havoc, warns guest author René Claus of Arcserve.
SOC: Good Buy, Beats Bad Build
Building an internal security operations centre is neither easy nor cheap. However, an external SOC also brings challenges, says Jochen Koehler of Ontinue.
Protecting Connected Devices with Zero Trust Technology
In terms of data access, IoT devices pose an enormous security risk.