JAMES-Studie: Während viele Medientätigkeiten kaum noch Anstiege verzeichnen, wechselt KI auf die Überholspur. Auch Gamen wird immer beliebter.
Social media
Social-Media-Betrüger locken ÖV-Kunden in die Abofalle
Vorsicht Top-Angebot! Wie verlockende Annoncen ahnungslose Bus- und Bahnfahrer zum Abschluss von Phantasie-Abos verleiten.
Digital Farming: Nearly One in Eight Farms Has an Online Store
According to a recent survey, 12% of German farms now operate a digital farm store, up from 7% in 2022.
Election campaign with AI
Super election year 2024 and the danger of AI-supported disinformation in elections is growing.
BACS warnt vor gekaperten Mail-Konten
Cyberkriminelle lieben E-Mail-Hacks. Das Bundesamt für Cybersicherheit (BACS) erläutert die Gefahrenlage und gibt Tipps für besseren Kontenschutz.
On the Darknet: ID Cards Cost 2500 Euros, Social Media Data Available at Junk Prices
Bitdefender determines current black market prices on the Darknet. Providers even give a guarantee for credit on stolen or cloned credit cards.
The Only Long-Term Study in The DACH Region Reveals Current Trends and Shows How Social Media is Becoming a Success Factor for B2B Companies
Recruiting, leads or CEO positioning: How do B2B companies in the DACH region use social media for their market and corporate communication? What current trends and developments are emerging? Now in its twelfth year, the only long-term ...
Social Media For Companies
Bitkom publishes new social media guide: Helpful tips on how companies can successfully use social media for themselves.
Facebook e YouTube rimuovono il video deepfake di Zelensky
Forse un colpo basso architettato da Putin? Le piattaforme tecnologiche rimuovono il video deepfake dove il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky lancia l’appello alla resa.
Twitter estende la propria “Safety Mode” ai troll
Fermare i troll? Twitter estende la propria funzione Safety Mode per dare agli utenti maggiore controllo su chi può rispondere ai propri tweet.
TikTok e Netflix limitano l’accesso al servizio in Russia
TikTok limita l’accesso al servizio in Russia per tutelare la sicurezza di impiegati e utenti a seguito della legge “anti-fake news”, mentre Netflix sospende l’attività per “le circostanze in atto”
La Russia limita l’accesso a Twitter dopo l’invasione dell’Ucraina
Le autorità russe hanno imposto limitazioni per l’accesso a Twitter a seguito dello scontro con Facebook per il fact-checking di notizie provenienti dai media russi.