According to an IBM study, 74% of automotive industry managers believe that most new cars will be AI-controlled by 2035.
Mass Phenomenon: “Bring Your Own AI”
A recent study by Software AG reveals that 54% of German knowledge workers are using unsanctioned AI tools, a practice known as "shadow AI." Nearly as many workers would bypass any bans imposed on these tools.
Hardware e software IA verso il bilione di dollari nel 2027
Bain & Company prevede che il valore del settore dell’IA nei prossimi tre anni oscillerà tra un minimo di 780 miliardi e un massimo di 990 miliardi di dollari.
Microsofts Schweizer Führungsteam wird weiblicher
Ann Jameson wird den Bereich Sales Enablement & Operations (SE&O) leiten und bringt gut 25 Jahre Erfahrung in diesen Bereichen mit.
Grazer Startup will Lagerdaten besser nutzen
Deutscher Intralogistikspezialist SSI Schäfer gründet Unternehmen, das mit datengestützten Lösungen in Lagerhallen punkten will.
CrowdStrike CEO Apologises for Global IT Disruption
The apology is addressed to the company's customers and those affected, such as air travelers. A faulty update for the Falcon security software causes Windows computers to enter a boot loop.
Swisscom stärkt Open-Source-Geschäft
Der ITK-Dienstleister wird Mehrheitseigentümer von Camptocamp, einem Schweizer Spezialisten für Entwicklung und Integration von Open-Source-Lösungen.
Swisscom will Auswahl von ESG-Tools erleichtern
Der "Sustainability Software Radar" soll es Schweizer Unternehmen einfacher machen, die passende Software für ihr Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement zu finden.
SSI Schäfer meldet Auftragsrückgang
Ungeachtet dessen weist der Spezialist für Intralogistiklösungen Zuwächse bei Umsatz und Gewinn aus.
Platform for Software Development Based on Generative AI
Cohnizant's platform offers an integrated way to track and accelerate the software development lifecycle.
ABB kauft Routing-Lösungen für Hochseeschifffahrt
Reedereikunden sollen weitere Mehrwerte erhalten. Die neuen Software-Anwendungen sollen Schiffe ressourcenschonender durch die Weltmeere leiten.
Flexera Takes Over Snow Software
Joint offering and partner network provide more data and functionality to understand IT environments, manage costs and reduce risks.
What Role Does Software Play in CO2 Emissions?
Awareness of the greenhouse gases caused by data centres is increasing, but the question of how "green" software is rarely asked, says guest author Toby Dixon from Endava.
Le entrate per software IA vicini ai 250 miliardi di dollari nel 2027
IDC ritiene che “utilizzare tecnologia all’avanguardia non è solo una necessità strategica, ma un fattore cruciale per raggiungere il successo a lungo termine”.
Programming with ChatGPT: Tools with Limitations
Programming tools for software developers are nothing new. However, ChatGPT surpasses them by far, says Junus Ergin from the Developer Academy.
Il software trainerà la crescita del 5,7% annua nella spesa mondiale in ICT
Il software e i servizi informatici saranno il settore a più rapida crescita nel periodo 2023-2027.
EY Study Sees Auto Industry At Turning Point
The time for experimenting with technology is over. Concentrating on the commercialization of the software-defined vehicle is now the top priority.
Medical Practice Software From the Cloud
RED Medical Systems has developed cloud-based software so that doctors have more time for the essentials.
SOC: Good Buy, Beats Bad Build
Building an internal security operations centre is neither easy nor cheap. However, an external SOC also brings challenges, says Jochen Koehler of Ontinue.
Stolen Master Key
Microsoft is not living up to its key role as a hyperscaler, says Holger Dyroff of ownCloud.
Streamings produzieren ohne Expertenwissen
Die österreichische ORS Group und Insys Video Technologies aus Polen bringen eine Software auf den Markt, mit der sich Online-Video-Angebote in Eigenregie herstellen lassen.
AI Use in Software Testing
AI also holds great potential for quality engineering in software development, says Viktoria Praschl from Tricentis.
Shorten Response Times in Customer Service With Automation
Customer service and private customer sales of "Energie und Wasser Potsdam" digitalised and automated.
Teams: Microsoft Threatens New EU Antitrust Investigation
At issue is the integration of Teams into Office 365. The EU is apparently demanding more far-reaching remedies than offered by Microsoft.
La spesa in IT crescerà nel 2023 nonostante i timidi investimenti in hardware
IDC rivede al rialzo il pronostico per il 2023, con una previsione di crescita pari al 5% per un totale di quasi 3,3 bilioni di dollari.
Aumenta del 15% la spesa in software da parte delle imprese europee
La domanda di applicazioni di collaborazione, flusso di lavoro e gestione di contenuti è iniziata a rallentare nel 2022 con la transizione al modello del telelavoro.
Software Checks How Smart AI Is
Scientists at the University of Surrey want to banish the danger of overly self-reliant systems.
Help Against the IT Skills Shortage: Test Automation
Automation of test processes in software development can partially replace manual testing, says guest author Andreas Grau of
Microsoft Monitors 100 Active Ransomware Groups
They attack their victims with more than 50 ransomware families. The cybercriminals often gain access to networks via phishing. Ransomware-as-a-service contributes to the success of the cyber extortion business model.
“Digital Contract Management” Not To Be Ignored
Digital, cloud-based contract management bundles all documents in one place and automates deadline management.