Digital, cloud-based contract management bundles all documents in one place and automates deadline management.
La crisi non frena il mercato dei software
Le imprese continuano a investire in strumenti analitici, intelligenza artificiale e gestione di dati.
Ordering Food Via AI Voice Chatbot
In the hospitality industry, artificial intelligence with intelligent speech recognition function is used for the first time.
Using Software To Track Down Plagiarism
Every text submitted to a publisher or university goes through an automatic plagiarism check. This is how digitization has put an end to copying.
Proactive Customer Service To Counter Dwindling Customer Loyalty
Study: meeting customer needs before customers turn to companies.
BlackByte: Ransomware Disables Security Software
The cyber extortionists exploit a known vulnerability in a Windows graphics driver. They then manipulate drivers of anti-virus software. This way, the BlackByte group can access systems of its victims undisturbed.
Improving Certification of Medical Software with AI
Innovative medical technology can save human lives. However, outdated approval processes delay a rapid market launch.
SquarePoint lancia una soluzione che ottimizza la gestione della documentazione di lavoro
Hire & Sign automatizza la preparazione, l’invio e il monitoraggio firma della documentazione con la garanzia di Signaturit.
Knowing What’s Inside Smart Production Equipment
IT experts are calling for a Bill of Materials (SBOM) for equipment software.
AI Optimises The Filling Of Packing Cartons
Well-filled packing cartons can save up to 50 per cent in excess shipping space, reducing the number of truckloads.
safeREACH baut Cloud-Angebot für Alarmierung und Krisenmanagement aus
Neu verfügbare Server-Infrastruktur in Österreich bietet Flexibilität, Sicherheit und einen lokalen Datenstandort
Schweizer Bootsbauer führt neues ERP-System ein
Boesch Motorboote entscheidet sich für ams.erp und Losgröße 1.
Smarte Automatisierung mit ScriptRunner
Inventx, Schweizer IT- und Digitalisierungspartner für Finanz- und Versicherungsdienstleister, setzt weiter auf Automatisierung mit ScriptRunner.
Lenovo sviluppa una soluzione di filtro web contro possibili minacce
NetFilter è rivolto all’ambiente didattico e sfrutta l’intelligenza artificiale per individuare la sicurezza dei domini ed evitare problemi in tempo reale.
Le quattro professioni tecnologiche richieste dal metaverso
“La rivoluzione più importante ad opera del metaverso avverrà a livello del mercato del lavoro, dato che saranno richieste nuove figure professionali”, spiega The Bridge.
Finnova erhält FinTech Award als «Best Financial Transaction Security Company»
Renommierte internationale "FinTech Breakthrough Awards" würdigen herausragende Produkte und Unternehmen im Bereich der Finanztechnologie.
Investition in Digitalisierung und künstliche Intelligenz in der Forstwirtschaft
LIECO beteiligt sich an führendem Anbieter von digitalen Forstdienstleistungen in der DACH-Region.
La spesa in intelligenza artificiale è prossima al mezzo bilione di dollari
IDC prevede una crescita del 19,6% per quest’anno tra software, hardware e servizi