Nine out of ten German managers expect the use of AI to contribute to their sustainability goals.
Germany: Quo Vadis AI?
A study by BearingPoint reveals that 99% of managers expect AI to have a significant impact in the current decade.
Not interested in AI?
Lünendonk study: concerns about shadow AI and regulations are delaying the introduction of GenKI tools.
In-depth Study of the AI Industry by Writerbuddy
Writerbuddy analyzes the AI industry: the most visited tools record traffic of more than 24 billion visits.
Cyberrisiken zurück auf Platz 1
PwC hat Schweizer CEOs zu ihren Prioritäten im neuen Jahr befragt. IT-Sicherheit führt die Liste der Topthemen nach einjähriger Pause wieder an.
Studie: Skepsis gegenüber Cloud Computing nimmt weiter ab
Österreichische Unternehmen richten ihre Cloud-Strategien vermehrt nach den Topthemen Cybersecurity und Nachhaltigkeit aus. Dies zeigt eine neue KPMG-Studie.
EY Study Sees Auto Industry At Turning Point
The time for experimenting with technology is over. Concentrating on the commercialization of the software-defined vehicle is now the top priority.
Angriffe führten bei 42% der Unternehmen zu Unterbrechungen
Laut swissVR Monitor wurde bereits jedes zweite Grossunternehmen Opfer eines Cyber-Angriffs. Trotzdem fehlt vielerorts eine klare Sicherheitsstrategie.
G Data Study: Security Risk Employees
Companies usually limit training and education to IT employees. One consequence, according to G Data, is insufficient security awareness among many employees.
Digitaler Umbruch hält Arbeitnehmer auf Trab
Der digitale Wandel der Arbeitswelt ist hierzulande in vollem Gange, wie eine aktuelle Studie des Beratungsunternehmens Deloitte zeigt.
Study: Sustainability Tool Should Produce Complete Reports
Heterogeneous data sources, poor data quality and complex regulatory requirements complicate sustainability reporting.
IBM Study: 40 Percent of Employees Have to Retrain Because of AI
The estimate refers to a period of three years. According to IBM, AI technologies are changing the requirements for workplaces and employees.
Malicious Bots Particularly Active in Germany
A study by cyber security provider Imperva warns that automated threats pose a growing risk to businesses.
Study: Implementation Deficit for Sustainability in IT
Although the topic of sustainability is already a high priority in nine out of ten companies, more than half of them are postponing the goal of achieving CO2 neutrality and establishing climate-neutral IT until the next decade.
Zahl der erfolgreich abgewehrten Hacks halbiert sich
Studie von Deloitte und SORA zeigt: Die Qualität der Cyber-Angriffe hat sich in den vergangenen Monaten nochmals gesteigert.
Malicious Bots Particularly Active in Germany
A study by cyber security provider Imperva warns that automated threats pose a growing risk to businesses.
ESG Study: High Ambitions, Low Drive
Only one-third of companies have implemented measures to reduce emissions to date.
AI Language Models: Germany Wants to Be In on the Game
Feasibility study identifies prerequisites for AI applications such as chatbots in Germany.
Study: One Third of German Employees Put the Company’s IT Security at Risk
The proportion of employees with low or very low competence in IT security is rising significantly. Only 27 percent consider themselves to have a high or very high level of competence.
How Important Is A Trustworthy AI?
AI gets the benefit of the doubt, but it needs control mechanisms.
Study: High News Consumption Lowers Work Productivity
Adobe asked managers and employees whether negative political news affects their productivity. The vast majority answered in the affirmative.
Mozilla Study: Browser Competition Severely Limited
Users often know how to switch browsers. Nevertheless, they stick with the preset browser. Mozilla blames this among other things on misleading user interfaces.
Phishing Attacks To Increase Fourfold In 2021
Zscaler's annual ThreatLabz report finds phishing-as-a-service to be the reason for the cross-industry increase in attacks worldwide.
Two Thirds Of German Companies Affected By Ransomware
Sophos study "State of Ransomware 2022″ shows: The average ransom paid in Germany has almost doubled.
SMEs Are Looking For Digital Trade Fair Concepts
Two out of three businesspeople complain about a decline in business contacts as a result of the pandemic.
Eco Survey: Three Quarters of Employees Want to Work Digitally Even After Corona
The digital equipment of the home office workplace has improved for every second person.