Vultr Launches Industry Cloud

Its cloud solutions address specific needs in retail, manufacturing, healthcare, media, telecommunications and finance.

Vultr announces Industry Cloud to offer cloud computing solutions targeted at the retail, manufacturing, healthcare, media, telecommunications and finance sectors.

With this offering, it aims to meet key industry-specific needs, including regulatory, compliance and data governance requirements.

It promises specialised and composable platforms, available around the world. Vultr’s infrastructure spans six continents, with thirty-two data centre locations.

“While our customers come from a diverse range of industries, they all demand excellence when it comes to their cloud solutions,” says Kevin Cochrane, CMO of Vultr.

“To achieve this,” he notes, “today’s CIOs and CTOs need scalable, reliable, industry-specific cloud solutions to accelerate their digital and AI transformation.”

“With tailored, industry-specific cloud capabilities, our customers can accelerate digital transformation and achieve differentiation faster than the competition,” says Cochrane.

For example, Vultr’s industry cloud can help the retail segment manage seasonal fluctuations in demand, healthcare companies protect patient data, and financial firms process transactions in real-time.